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Journal number 2 ∘ Manana kharkheli Giorgi Morchiladze
Importance of Personal Emotional Skills in Business

Expanded summary

The success of any company depends on how much organisation's management and its staff will develop skills that are necessary for success. Scientist Catz [Catz, 1955:35] in his research offers 3 types of skills that are important for effective management processes these are: Technical Skills, Human Skills and Conceptual Skills. 

According to above mentioned research, the higher someone was on the management level, the less technical skills were required to meet the positions Requirements and more conceptual skills were required. Also, the lower the position is in the management level more technical skills and less conceptual skills were required. However, human skills are always required no matter the level or the position in the company. It's why we are carrying out the research on emotional intelligence improvement.

The manager can’t be a leader if he/she does not have a high level of emotional intelligence, because it is very difficult to influence other people, if you don’t know deeply and well humans emotions, as well as working rules of consciousness and subconscious. 

High emotional intelligence is important also in the conflict resolution process, because if the manager can’t guess when conflict is rising in a destructive way, the company might lose many resources.

According to D. Goleman research, Emotional Intelligence contains five main competencies, which are grouped in two main categories: Personal and social skills.  Personal Skills are following: Self-awareness, Self-regulation and Motivation; Social Skills are: Empathy and Social Skills. This study is related to Personal skills.

In order to get the right decision, we need to know ourselves well enough to understand what lead positive and negative emotions in us, what is the real reason of our emotions, we should have ability for right assessment our strengths and weaknesses, and we should have clearly established moral values. These all are part of Self-awareness. A person who does not understand his emotions may be in an awkward situation, because of misinterpreted and based on it wrong emotional expression.

Without self-awareness, increases risk of living in a wrong way. For Example, if a human only cares for career and professional growth, and doesn’t pay attention to personal life, after fifty years person might be unhappy.

For the managers and employees, self-awareness is important for self-development, We mean the following, When we don’t succeed in something (we can’t meet deadlines, the quality of the completed project is not very high, relationship with colleagues is not very friendly etc.), It always has logical ground. Above mention facts, always indicate that we have a weakness – we don’t have well improved our organizational, planning or other skill. Human, who knows well his/her self, knows which his/her skills are weak and need improvement and based on this improves.

Self-confidence is very important in today's reality. Occasions in the Georgian reality are quite complex in organizations and it is needed, from manager during decision making Firmness, Self-sacrifice and refusing stability, which is difficult and only a person who is Self-confident can do it. In fact, the process of self-awareness leads human to be more realistic, which improves his/her self –confidence.

Human characteristic, who have high levels of Self–regulation competence are following:

  • Awareness of their emotions and their consequences
  • Knowledge of their strengths and limits
  • A strong sense of self-worth and capabilities

Self-regulation, is the ability of human, which helps him/her to manage internal impulses in a difficult situation. Nowadays, there is high competition among organizations as well as within the organization, and this is the reason, why we all need to work in a stressed environment. If a person can't pull oneself together, despite the tension, he/she can’t succeed, because no one need employee or manager, who can’t manage himself, cause this implies itself   increasing the number of dissatisfied clients.

Human characteristic, who have high levels of Self– regulation competence are following:

  • Ability to restrain destructive emotions
  • Ability to observe of criteria high moral qualities
  • Willingness to take responsibility for his/her work
  • Flexible approach to change
  • Calm attitude to new information, fresh ideas and approaches to solving problems. 

Success of human depends on his/her mental condition. One of the most important tasks of a manager is accepting personnel, who is excited by their work, and this relates to the competence of motivation.

To be productive and effective, we need to love the work we do. For example, a lecturer who likes to share their knowledge, will always be more productive than lecturers who work only for money.

Human characteristic, who have a high level of Motivation competence are following:

  • Desire to achieve the goal
  • Adherence to the goals of the group or organization
  • Willingness to act according to the opportunities, perseverance in achieving goals, despite the obstacle

In business As well as personal relationships, people prefer to communicate with individuals that are: restrained, have ability to manage internal impulses, confident, calm, love their work , meet positively changes, know their abilities, strengths and weaknesses,  have a sense of humor and clearly formed moral values. All above mentioned human traits are part of a subcomponent of component Emotional Intelligences.

 Our aim was to demonstrate what subcomponents has Emotional Intelligences component Personal Skills, why is it important to develop them and what difficulties may we have in case of not knowing it.